Another journey I've been on for the past 3+ years is high school - more specifically Beskydy Mountain Academy. It's been such a privilege to be a part of what God's doing in our school. I'm on my last stretch of the BMA journey...and it's going by quickly!

Yesterday we had our class "stužkovák" - a dinner party put together by the graduating class for the rest of the school, friends and family. We all dressed up, enjoyed conversation among dinner and pictures of our class. It was a great time!

At the end the teacher in charge of our class, Mr. Till dubbed us "maturanti" (future graduates) and presented us with ribbons! (pictures are me being knighted, and my good friend Patrick and I happy with our ribbons!)

Overall it was a very enjoyable, and low-key night. I was very tired afterwards, but had a great time with people. Plus, mom got to come, which was really fun! If you want to know a little more about the evening from her perspective, head over to her blog:
And here is our "maturitní ročník 2008/2009!"