No, I have not fallen into a well, or been run over by a Trabant (Mr. Trabant and I are good friends..as is apparent from the above picture)...or anything else that would keep me from my good 'ol blog! It sure has been a while. Though one of the first rules of writing blogs or updates is to never apologize, I do feel the need to in this case. Four months is simply not acceptable.
So, though I may have lost many readers during the course of these four months, I do hope I can regain your trust and win you back. I have a few tricks up my sleeve...so stay tuned!
These four months have meant a lot for me. It has been a time of reorganizing my life and making sense of my priorities. Through some tough and complicated times God has brought me closer to Him, and is continuing to prepare me for the next step in my life - moving to Chicago.
Yes, you heard me correctly - moving to Chicago! That's that big city in Illinois. Over in the United States. A long way from Czech. A long way from home.

My last post was about sending in my application for Moody Bible Institute, and I am very pleased and excited to tell you that I have been accepted!! This is such a blessing and I know that this is where God is leading me next. So downtown Chicago, here I come!!
Though the transition will be hard and nothing can replace Frýdlant and the people here, I can't wait for the growing I'll be able to do in a completely new environment! The ministry needs in Chicago are huge, and though I have NO idea what I'll be getting myself into, I know God will use me!
One verse in Mark has been on my heart for a long time now, and I'd like to share it with you! It's Mark 10:29-30: "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields - and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."
These words of Jesus give me complete peace about starting the next phase of my life. And as for persecutions - I say bring 'em on!! I know that God will take care of me - financially, relationially, spiritually - as long as I focus my eyes on Christ and the hope that we have in the gospel. Sure, there are things that scare me in the future, but God's got a big plan. And I know I'm apart of it! Not that I deserve it, bug His grace is that big that He can use someone like me. So bring it on!
Four years at Moody, and then who knows? I'd love to return to Czech and join JV full-time. I can't wait to share the JV vision on campus and get people excited about what God's doing over here in Eastern Europe!
That's all from me for now. I probably shouldn't have had that coffee earlier (I had to study!), and now it's almost 2 in the morning...funny how I get most of my inspiration during the late hours. If only I could sleep during the day and stay up all night. I'm guessing my body will hate me in five hours when I have to get up for school! Ha!