Today is the 2nd of September, the 2nd day of my last year of High School! It has started off magnificently, and I am very excited about some things.
One cool thing is that Caleb is at school with me at BMA, starting his first year of High School!

But in order to move on and look to the future, I feel the need to review some highlights of the summer for you! You may now proceed.
To start where my last post left off, I turned 18 on July 20th! I got some great gifts and spent the day with awesome people. I am so thankful to everyone for being so thoughtful and generous with your presents! My parents (especially my dad) were especially generous, and bought me a new electric guitar!! I am so excited to be able to use it this next year as we put together a worship band in our youth group. I will have it for MANY years to come. Thank you!!

To celebrate my new era of life, Caleb, Seth, Hudson and I underwent a "hike of manhood" at 1 AM on July 20th. I will forever remember this as the first thing I did as a man! It was an incredible time as we hiked the tallest mountain in our mountain range, Lysa Hora. We spent the time talking about life, love and memories. After 2 and a half hours we reached the top, watched the sunrise as we froze, and prayed for each other. I'm so thankful for these three friends.

Saying goodbye to Hudson, Corrie, Seth, Alex and Kari after spending two weeks together was a sad but good moment. Though afterwards I felt completely exhausted, every moment of those 14 days was blessed with smiling and good times. Two days we spent recording songs, which was so much fun! Here are two songs that turned out especially well for your enjoyment! Both are songs from movies - Falling Slowly from Once, and Come What May from Moulin Rouge. You may remember hearing Falling Slowly on my blog before, but this one's a lot better =)
We also recorded a few songs that I've written, but I still need to do some work on them before they are ready for the public ear! Maybe you'll hear a short preview sometime soon. ;)

On August 9th our family joined the Hash and Ellenwood families as we drove down to Croatia! This was the 6th year of doing vacation together, and it keeps getting better and better. Our destination was the island of Hvar, the sunniest island in Croatia!
I am usually not a beach person, but I really enjoyed Croatia this year. The location was incredible, and the nature stunning. I only swam twice, but the water was very alluring as well! Most of my time was spent in our hammock! I brought 8 books and read 7 in the ten days we were on Hvar. I'd say that was time well spent!
As on most of our vacations, I was dubbed official photographer, something I look forward to every year. Here are a few pictures I'm especially proud of!

After ten days on Hvar, we drove 7 hours north to the city of Zadar, where we hopped on a ferry and headed to Josiah Venture Kids camp! Becca did an amazing job once again, and Andrea's (or I should say Queen Blue's) teaching was so inspiring. I was especially blessed to have Ben Williams as my "personal" counsellor! As last year, Hannah and I led worship every evening by the sea. It was a great way to use our gifts to bless the other kids and be good examples to them! Not to mention we had a ton of fun.

However, one sad part about camp was the fact that it was my last JV kids camp! I've been one of the few that's been going steadily for the past 6 years or so. I am feeling less and less like an actual JV kid as I'm getting older, but my love for JV kids just continues to grow. I'll enjoy watching some new changes for JV kids from a distance for the next four years as I'm in college!

It's been great being back home in Frydlant. There are some big things coming up in my fourth and final year of high school, but I can talk about those later. Now that I'm caught up posts should be shorter and more regular (hopefully several times a week), so be sure to check back every once in a while!