Lately i've been in a super artistic mood and have gotten back into drawing and things along that line. But of course I don't want to just keep on doing the same stuff I've always been drawing, so I made up my mind to experiment a little.
Markers. What comes into your mind when you first hear that word? Maybe kids drawing on walls, or perhaps Sharpies! My good friend Patrick got a set of Copic markers for Christmas, so I borrowed a couple. This is what I created!

And if anyone's wondering, i have no idea who the girl is =) just some picture I found on the internet, and really liked it. Enjoy!
It always takes me awhile after I've been gone to get caught up on email and now blogs. I love that I can go back and read your thoughts over the time I was gone. I just have to say that when I saw your picture my mouth dropped open. I mean really! It did! Beautiful. And your casual mentioning of your internal conversations.... well, can I just say I love being related to you. And I like my kids being related to you too! I like the way you encourage them to be them. Directly, like when they show you something they can do and you encourage them. And indirectly, when they read your blog or see you and the way you relate with the world! Aunti K
Awsome! I love the finished product! You have a great way of capturing an expression and mood in your more soon!
...and Mona Lisa was just a random model...
You have become an incredible artist.
That drawing was AMAZING! Wow!! That's an incredible gift that I didn't even know you had!
I also enjoyed reading your story. I loved the development of the "black flame" concept in the unedited version, but I also liked some of the editing you did from a description and content perspective. It's an incredibly imaginative and well-written story, as I could picture the whole thing in my mind. Great job!
I bought some wonderful Copic markers in the new art store in Prague and really enjoy them. Great drawing and I'm so proud you pushed yourself to work in a new medium. Yeah!
Andrea Pitcher
Tyler, this picture is incredible! You really are a gifted artist, and I'm glad that you're going to be studying this area in college. God is using these talents already for His glory, and I can't wait to see how He continues to use you in the future!
Hey, My parents send me the updates from your family to know whats going on and im praying for you little brother.
You are a pretty darn good artist, impressive.
I enjoyed looking at your work :]
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