so yeah, i'm trying to think of what happened this week... Oh yeah! On friday Caleb and Tensing (a youth choir here in Frydlant - Caleb plays bass and sings) had their Christmas concert! It was really cool! Caleb sang and played bass on the opening song - Jump by Simple Plan. He did great!
Then on Saturday we went over to the Ellenwoods' house! Mom and dad were going to a birthday party for Mel in Poland, so we hung out and watched movies. We ordered pizza too...yum yum. One thing that us and the Ellenwoods do every year (at least i think every year) is that we exchange Christmas gifts! None of us Pattys had our gifts with us, but the Ellenwoods were gracious enough to forgive us and let us open ours! Claire got some socks and cool boxes from Hayley, Caleb got a cool poster of a saxaphone player for his wall, and i got something really cool from Hannah... I guess she had been talking and figuring out with mom for quite some time something cool, and they accomplished it! As many of you know (or don't know, but now you do know), Switchfoot is my favorite band of all time and Jon Foreman (the singer and guitarist) is a big example to me in a lot of ways. So, mom sneakily took some pictures of me outside a few days ago (I had also asked if she could sometime so it worked perfectly) mostly with my guitar. And what Hannah did was get one of those picture frames with the three spots for pictures, and on the right and left side pictures of me, and in the middle two pictures - one of Switchfoot, and another of Jon! It looks really cool!!! =) I don't know if you completely understood my description, but hopefully you did (if not oh well)! =) Anyway, many thanks especially to Hannah, and some thanks to mom as well! =)
Today I led worship up at the hotel today again. We sang two Christmas songs and two normal worship songs. Then Mom and Katka (some of you may know her...others may not!) had a program ready! It was so elaborate that i won't explain in detail about it, but it was about Mary and what part she played in Jesus' life. They did all kinds of creative thingys and it went great!
So yeah, that's about it! Here are some pictures that mom took of me, hopefully you will be able to see how my hair is awesomely growing out! Doesn't it look awesome??? =) I'm so proud of myself... =) Don't forget to leave a comment! Enjoy!

5 comments: were right! The hair is definitely better this way. I like the pictures too! They really turned out great.
Thanks again for all your help tonight for the service...I didn't think of it as elaborate but I guess it! It was fun and we couldn't have done it without you. You're the best techy guy around and I appreciate your skill're the best!
Love, your mum
hey...prety pictures....I like them....we're doing music over here at the church today
Hey Tyler...I am glad you liked the gift.
The pictures are great.
I am sick of school too.
I can't wait for break!
This is a really dumb comment!
Oh Well!
Talk to you somtetime soon!
oh my gosh...your hair is soooo long
caleb told me about his concert it sounds like it went great!
it sounds like you guys had fun at the ellenwoods...
i'll see you later
okay...I'm trying to decide if I should transfer the nickname "pretty boy" from hudson to you! nice hair buddy! I miss you guys!
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