Me: Hey, my name is Tyler! Thanks for a great show, i came all the way from the Czech Republic just to see you guys! I was also in Eugene two days ago!
Jon: [stunned at first, then impressed] Wow! It's really an honor to meet you! How long have you lived there?
Me: About 12 years. My parents are missionaries there so...yeah. It's great.
Jon: Which show did you like better?
Me: Probably Eugene...
Jon: Yeah, me too. [smiles] [turns to crowd] Sorry guys! [laughter all around] But that's what's great about the shows is that each one is different and you never know what to expect!
Me: [smiling like a dork =)]
Jon: [turns back to me] we haven't gotten too far into Europe yet, the farthest we've gotten is Germany, but hopefully we'll get farther in the future!
Me: That would be great! [i couldn't think of anything to say...i couldn't believe i was actually having a conversation with Jonathan Foreman!]
Jon: Well it's really great to meet you! I wish you a safe trip back!
Me: Yeah, it's great to meet you too! Thanks again for a great show!
The next day uncle Mike took me a to a huge rock museum thingy in Seattle with exhibits with great guitars, one was on Jimi Hendrix, there was also a place where you could play different instruments etc...a really cool place!
We then met up with my mom's arguably best friend Michelle Watson (who also happens to be a psychologist, and who periodically reads my blogs entries - hi Michelle!) at Red Robin and hung out and ate burgers and talked and then headed to her place where i picked up goodies to bring back home!
We drove to Portland on Thursday morning and i flew home! I first stopped in San Francisco (which turned out to be a pretty boring airport), and then got on a plane and flew to Frankfurt. The plane was incredibly horrible...i don't know why, but it made me really sick on the way back. So when i stepped off the plane, i wasn't in the best mood. Plus i had missed my connection to Katowice where my mom would pick me up, which meant i'd have to spend 6 hours waiting for the next plane to leave. Luckily i started to feel better and i slept in the chairs for a little bit and it went alright. Then i flew to Katowice, mom and Claire and Lily picked me up, and we drove home!
Tomorrow we go back to school... I think i got over jet lag, but i'm not sure. We'll see in the morning!
The Switchfoot concerts really inspired me to be a better musician and even "performer" or how i present myself when i'm playing a song. It was really cool to see them in action, and i learned a lot from just watching them! Also, in the 3 days that i've been back, i'm learned 3 more Switchfoot songs - 4:12; Faust, Midas and Myself and the Shadow Proves the Sunshine! It was lots of fun! I'm thinking about putting something together for 4:12 with Caleb on the bass and Claire adding some percussion with a shaker, and i might get around to recording something, and if you're lucky, i'll find a way that you can listen to it! =)
Stay tuned for another update next week - the week without mom!!! Aaaah! It'll be a rough week. We'll eat nothing but bread and have to walk everywhere. It should be an interesting experience and i'm interested to see how dad will handle us naughty kids ;)
P.S. I got a haircut tonight...just in case any of you were getting concerned about my overly long hair in the pictures =)
P.P.S. And for those of you who are well educated in Switchfoot lore, might be interested to know that i have dubbed The Shadow Proves the Sunshine as the theme song of my trip. I got some video footage of stuff and if i have time to put something together that's what song'll be on there! So look out for something soon!
Hey Tyler, a.k.a. The World Traveler!
I figure I'm one of the first to read your blog since it just came through minutes ago while I was sitting at the computer!
It's fun that you mentioned our time together while you were here. I LOVED spending time with you and your uncle. Like I said, it's rare for me to spend time with quality guys who are intelligent and deep, and you are just that! You go boy! Didn't we just have the best conversation?! I had a blast with you.
If you lived here, I'd be setting you up with cute high school girls I know, so I guess it's good you live in Czech, eh?!!! You're adorable, inside and out....that's all I've to say!!! :o)
I'm glad you're home safe and it was so much fun for me to get to see you while you were here.
Love ya lots, Michelle
p.s. I guess you'll have to get that picture with Jon when he comes to Eastern Europe after you write him that follow up email to tell him how much you loved meeting him (he'll remember you once you remind him where you live...I can't imagine too many people come to his concerts in the States who actually live in the Czech Republic). Then you'll give him your dads contact information and we can begin praying that the ball will start rolling in the direction of where you live. They can come and stay at the hotel....and it will be so much fun for you! Can't you just picture it?!!
The best part about this blog (besides the fact that it was so fun to read!) is that you were downstairs last night writing it from home!!
I'm so glad you had an awesome time and have tons of great memories from your first trip to the US by yourself...great accomplishment, by the way, living through a hard trip back! You did well!
Sorry I have to leave you this week...hopefully you'll eat something besides bread!
Oh yeah...and...we've lived here 13 years and 3 months!
Love you, mom
Jon sounds like a cool guy
glad u had a good time in the US of Eh?
but u cut ur hair??? i thought u were growing it out? u crazy boy
my moms also at the italy thing so i can relate to u
The bootleg podcast of the shows are great, but it sounds like Switchfoot definitely had a fun time in Eugene. The sound is real tight but Jon is loose and having a great time. Cool that we could see what was the best show on the tour!
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