So, anyway, about these past few days! The reason Hudson got to come so early was because Miss Hannah Ellenwood was having a voice recital on Friday (practice on Wednesday) and had the great idea that me and Hudson could assist her and play with her! It was great and we all did a great job, especially Hannah! (Hudson messed up in the beginning...i'm gonna annoy him about that for a long time! =P Actually, you could hardly tell, it's all right, don't cry, Hudsy.)

So we had practice on Wednesday, and had nothing to do on Thursday, so the wonderful Becca McMartin suggested we go shoe shopping at Tesco! So we did! And the amazing Andrea Pitcher sponsored us, so that added to the funness! Thanks Andrea! I got the blue ones, and Hudson got the white ones. We then wore them everywhere and felt so cool! =)

Once we got back from Tesco, we thought it would be fun to dress up (in the clothes we were planning on wearing to the recital on Friday), bring a couch outside and get Claire to take pictures! It was lots of fun and we got some great ones. Don't we look so handsome?!?!

Then Friday came, the concert went well, and me, Hudson and Hannah joined up with Mike Sullivan who drove us to see...ba dum dum... Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End!!! That was really awesome.

Come Saturday...me, Huds, Hannah and Caleb went down into town to our church and recorded some songs (about 8) and hung out together making music! We made a little EP under the name "The Aftermath", and it was really fun! It won't win any awards or score us a record deal...but it was fun! =) Every band's got to start somewhere!

And then Sunday came...

So, when I look back on these past few days, God has really blessed me with incredible experiences with incredible friends. Goodbyes are always hard, but luckily, it's not goodbye forever. The future is not clear, but it is bright, even though the present feels gloomy.
And on a side note, what's up ahead for me in the next two weeks - On Thursday I leave with my school on a trip to Slovakia for five days. We'll play some games outside in the wilderness, river raft, and hopefully have some good conversations. My youth group leader, Boža, is also coming, so that'll be great. My second year of high school is also slowly coming to a close, only a little over a month till the summer. That means tests and other unpleasant things of the sort. But it'll soon be over!
Back to what I was writing about earlier. As many of you know, I look like my dad. And though so far I don't share much of his passion for gardening or physics, I do respond in similar ways that he does to things. I don't cry often, not unless something manages to catch me off guard (like when my dad told us the Joneses were leaving JV), I'm more of a brooding type. I think, I write. Writing my blog helps me to cope with what's happening. So, for those of you who managed to read this far, I commend you! =) I do start to get carried away and write a lot when I have a lot going on in my head. It's who I am!

And it's not goodbye forever.