Last year around this same time we had a similar party - a Journey + Zeteo party to be more precise. For those of you who don't know what Journey and Zeteo are, they are age groups that the wonderful Becca McMartin started quite some time ago in JV for us JV kids. I'm in Journey, and Caleb is in Zeteo, and we all have lots of fun together! Becca joined us this weekend for movies, fun and just being together.

Everyone came over on Friday afternoon and we hung out, popped a soccer ball and watched a movie.

Saturday we went on a little trip to a place called Stramberk and walked around, took pictures and some of us (not me!) went on this ride that made everyone (except for me and Becca!) sick...It was funny! (For me at least, I don't think it was funny for everyone else!)

Saturday night we ate enchiladas, watched a movie, drank coffee and tea and told stories and remembered past experiences, and then watched another movie! It was a great time being with my friends (and brother!).

On Sunday Caleb made french toast, Hudson led a little devotions thingy (thanks Huds!), sang a couple of songs and then we all said goodbye and went our separate ways... I had an amazing time and i'm sure everyone else agrees! The only bad part was that our dear friend Corrie couldn't be there...We sure missed you, Cor!

Last week I was actually sick and stayed home from school from Tuesday to Friday, and God really protected me this weekend, I felt totally fine! Over the course of the week I got some reading done, rested and painted a couple of my Lord of the Rings figures. Overall it was quite a productive week! =)

Discovery of the week - I can sing pretty high in falsetto if i sing loudly!
Song of the week - Lollipop by Mika
Verse of the week - Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hey, I'm the first to comment....gold star for me! Love the new banner TP....the photo with you touching the words is perfect!
Also really liked reading about what we did, seeing pictures...and I agree, it was a wonderful time with some of my fave peeps in the world....and I REALLY missed Cor too.
Overall....brilliant job....which I guess means a gold star for you too! haha!
sorry, I first posted as Han accidentally cause she was still logged in on my computer...ooops....so that's why there's a comment from "her" that's deleted. (sheepish grin)
Beautiful new photo banner on your blog. What a nice recap of your weekend. I'm sure it was wonderful and sad all at the same time. Thanks for getting it on your blog so quick.
Funny about the falsetto - how did you come upon this little tidbit of self knowledge?
Andrea Pitcher
Hey Tyler...
I'm so glad that you had one of the best weekends of your life! It's cool that God let you have a fantastic time while you're parents were in Italy. Yay!
So is that Hudson playing the piano? I'm thinking it is. How fun for you to have a lifelong friend who loves music like you do. Even with him leaving Europe, the two of you will be friends forever, don't you think? (I'd say "bff" but that's a little too feminine!). Just like your mom and me.....we're bff's and the miles don't mean that we're not still close. Maybe you and Hudson can both go to Multnomah. Is he intersted in going there?
Great top of the blog, by the way!
You rock!
Love ya, Michelle
Here I am...finally commenting!!
I love your blog...plain and simple!! You do such a great job of capturing your life with all the good gifts that God gives you - way to go!!
I'm glad you all had such a good week-end together - you'll remember that for a long time!
And please, please...teach me how to do the cool stuff at the top of your blog!
Love, your Mutti
Nice Blog. I would like to say Hi fron the USA.
Beccafredo told us a little about you and your friends on her visit to the USA. Good Luck and God Bless.
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