What a refreshing couple of days! Our Spring Josiah Venture Conference was really great full of fun and also some good learning experiences! Keep reading to find out more about it!

During the mornings us older kids (Zeteo and Journey) were part of a photography class taught to us by the very talented Joshua Longbrake (who's blog is now linked on the right!). He's also an avid blogger and i got to talk to him about what makes a good blog and how to make mine even better. You may have noticed that it's already looking a little different...hopefully even more changes will come along!

That was only one part of the morning...the other part was spent with Aubrey, a really talented artist with whom we did crazy projects! Our favorite by far was throwing water balloons filled with paint at a canvas!

On Friday night we had a murder mystery planned with Becca... Ben Williams, Anna Stepanian and Zac Shepperson joined us...it was lots of fun! I played an undercover police guy...and got killed in the end =)
Another awesome part was our big hoedown on Saturday! We had this big tent and a bluegrass band came and played and people danced, ate popcorn and had a fun time!

Claire is also in England right now on a trip with her school! Nicholas and Zachary Pitcher are also with her. Mom let me and Caleb stay home from school today, and tomorrow we have a holiday, so I'm really glad about that!
And if you're wondering where the HP countdown went, just scroll all the way down to the bottom! =)
Tyler, I love the new photo banner and the lines around the photos intext. Good new look for your blog. I'll keep checking to see what other new things you've learned!
dude! I love the new blog look. it's really good. nice post....good good.
tyler,! awesome! mine will be updated soon too!
Great new look Tyler! Will you teach me how to do that?! And how to do all the other cool stuff that Joshua taught you? I need an update look for my blog too! You inspire and teach me how to do those things! Thanks!
Love, mom
Hey TP! Love the new look! It was fun to see all the photos and read your thoughts from the week. We sure do have fun, us JVK!
hey great look !!!!! bye tyler, have a great time :)
dude...killer job on the banner. great job. love the photos as well.
SUp, Tyler? Yeah...Okay...Hmmm...Photography class?? Hmmm...I guess that explains why everyone had a camera in all the pictures I saw
awesome post! it was great doing art with you and i look forward to reading more!
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