Afterward some of us went bowling! I must admit it wasn't my best game...

It's so weird being back home and not having a million things to get done. On one hand it feels nice, but on the other I don't feel I've accomplished anything at the end of the day =) Ah well, I'm sure I'll find some projects sooner or later.
Mom, dad and Claire fly home tomorrow! I'm really excited for at least some structure to return to my life!
I have to get pictures from Caleb, and once I do I'll write more about English Camp! One thing I can say now is that God worked there in supernatural ways. Even though we expected some great things to happen, He just keeps on blowing us away! =)
Great to see a new post! Sure looking forward to seeing you and hearing more about camp and life and you!!
Ooops...didn't know it was Claire who was logged in! Oh well...you got two comments for the price of one! Mom!
Ok...this is really claire posting this time. :oD
I love the picture of you and Katka! You guys look like you had lots of fun, and I hope things are going well otherwise.
I am SO excited to be home with you two again! :o) I missed you guys!
Hey! I am looking forward to the next few weeks and hanging out...getting to hear about camp. I just finished watching the dvd of our recital....pretty good except for the base guitar....haha
I'm really looking forward to it too! Woohoo! It'll be fun.
Haha...that was quite an experience. I'll have Caleb learn the bass for it and we'll have to play it for Huds, Cor and the gang ;)
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