this thanksgiving was great! We met up with our JV family up at Malenovice again, ate lots and lots of good food, played games, and had the best talent show we've ever had!
but, it wasn't the same without the jones family. guys - we really really missed you! to me especially, it really didn't feel like conference and when it ended there wasn't a feeling of "i don't want it to end yet" because you guys weren't there to make it extra special! But we made it and overall it was a lot of fun.
i have a feeling hannah will write more about what happened during conference so if you are itching for a full-on detailed description of the happenings go to ! =)
During conference Hannah and I led worship two nights for everyone! it was a lot of fun!
And for the talent show I did a really cool song - The Scientist by Coldplay! My mom played along with me on the piano so it turned out great! I'd like to thank two very special people who played a part in me being able to play it - Hudson for teaching it to me during the summer, and Suska for suggesting that i do it! Thanks guys!!! =)
So that's all for now, and here's something I threw together last night! Enjoy! And let me know if you want the full performances of anyone!
Hey are one talented guy!! You do everything from leading worship, to playing a Coldplay song, to mixing that video and figuring out how to put it on You Tube, and then putting it on your BLOG!!! I am so impressed!! You were also great with all the little kids during Thanksgiving...they love you! You should have put the picture on of you and Luke...the oldest and youngest at Thanksgiving this year! Love, mutti
Dude! i loved your song! You said that if anyone wanted a film of the whole talent show they should tell you. So i thout i would ask you for one. Your friend Theredhead (Stinky The Warrior)(Nathan) sining out! P.S. riting from Becca's computer.
Hey are one talented guy!! You do everything from leading worship, to playing a Coldplay song, to mixing that video and figuring out how to put it on You Tube, and then putting it on your BLOG!!! I am so impressed!! You were also great with all the little kids during Thanksgiving...they love you! You should have put the picture on of you and Luke...the oldest and youngest at Thanksgiving this year! Love, mutti
Tyler! Awesome! As I wrote on hannah's comment would be very long, so I'll just turn it into an email...yes...I will finally write you! ; )
you played Scientist!!! haha! Yesssss...very good song...good job. I like it!
I mith you loth and loth...
"back to you..." (John Mayer)
oh sweet! i feel so special... did an awesome job by the way!!! miss ya!
i loved your song! You said that if anyone wanted a film of the whole talent show they should tell you. So i thout i would ask you for one.
Your friend Theredhead (Stinky The Warrior)(Nathan) sining out!
P.S. riting from Becca's computer.
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