For now we'll leave it at just pictures, and you can make up your own stories to them! Eventually I'll tell you about them myself, with even more pictures! (We took about 1400 pictures on this vacation with our camera...I took about 90% of them, so there's lots to choose from!)
I also had a great time taking more artsy pics, so once I get back I'll hopefully post some of my favorites up. For now, enjoy!

Till next week! We're off to Croatia for camp!
Plus...a new banner up top next week too!
dude,your camera is so awesome...the pictures are great!
you're so good!
hey man, sorry I don't have time to write an email...I'm so tired...I've had a crazy day. I'll try to write you soon!
Miss you,
Hey Ty....
Great pics! I love the mountain range you're sitting on in that one picture. And what brute strength you have to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa! (is that how it's spelled?)
Anyway....have fun in Croatia!
Love ya, Michelle
I love that one of me and Caleb...haha, it's awesome!
Love your update and pics from vacation...and can't wait for more!! Also looking forward to that new banner...wonder what it will be?!!
Love you, Mom
Great photos. Would love to hear some stories about them. I especially love the one of Caleb pushing over the tower of Pisa. He should've pushed the other side and straightened that that out!
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