Hey everybody! Or, hello to you who's looking here right now! What's up?! Wilkommen to my humble blog. Everybody else has started or already has a blog except me, so I thought it would be good to change that... So here we are!
But first -------- I have a challenge for you readers. You see, i'm in a little bit of a dillema. I mean, all the other blogs have great names and sound cool.........but I can't think of ANYTHING! So, how about you probe your mind and then drop me a comment with a name idea ok? And then i'll pick out the one that I like the best, or if I like a few, I can change it every once in a while! Of course, once I get a new name I'll have to change the address so then i'll have to..... Never mind. Too complicated. Ok, just leave me a comment with a name idea, and i'll somehow...figure that out! =) But this domain name will stay the same - therefore, tylerpatty.blogspot.com. So bookmark it. Or something.
Thank you for stopping by, and I encourage you to leave a comment if you think i'm unfunny, boring, dull, ugly or anything of the sort. But under no circumstances are you to leave a comment regarging my good looks, funnieness, or charmingness. Uh-uh. No way. Out of the question. Maybe.
Well all right......if you really think i'm hot then you can leave a comment or something of the sort. But don't even think about embarrassing me! That goes for you, Becca!
Anyway, i'll try to update stuff from my dull life as much as possible, and that will mean when i have free time and when i'm bored which is...umm...never. Oh well. Bummer for you.
Oh yes, I DO in fact know that i'm the weirdest guy on the planet....right after Hudson of course. He won THAT competion...but only by a hair. Only by a hair on his chinny chin chin.
Ok, now serious. I will try and write as much as possible to keep you all entertained, and you'd better hope that when I write i'm in a good mood otherwise everything will be really dull....=) So, enjoy!

you have a broken link
Tyler...as our dear friend Willy Wonka would say... You're weird. But hey, aren't we all! I thin I've won the weirdest girl competition!So don't feel bad.
I'll be thinking about an amazig name for you blog! I'll contemplate over it for a night and a hlaf and I'll let you know!
-by the way, thisi is corrie. calentaurwen is just another name of mine. Sorry it's confusing, I just have so many, you know (part of being weird).
My dear...Tyler. That blog is sensational! A masterpiece. Ingenius, magnanimaus...you get the picture. Hey I was wondering if you could help me one small bit. I need....ehm....well, it's hard to say...hm...ok...just forget it. Bye bye!
Dude, I really almost forgot who you were....I'm so glad you put that picture there. Oh...and thanks for calling me th weirdest. I apreciate it. WEIRD ROCKS!
Hey Tyler...
Nice blog...my only worries are,...well, that yours will be better than mine...crap! =P
Anyways, I am glad you put one up...I had a hard time coming up with a name for my own blog, so...I don't know if I will be able to help you in that area, but I can try...so, anyways, have a nice life...and you know where to reach me at=PPP
Oh, Tylerku, of course I think you're charming and good looking and funny....I remember when you were only ten, you were so cutie pie....and I remember the day you....well....that might be too embarrassing. =) Oh, and I'm wearing my dragon hat...ha! Ok, I'll be nice...tho you have to admit you did bait me pretty good with your post....how could I pass that up?! You're lucky I like you as much as I do! =)
I'm glad you've started a blog! I'm still thinking of what I'll write on the tshirt I'll be wearing when I visit you someday when you're famous. You better butter me up good now, so I won't be too embarrassing then!
slobbery kisses, (couldn't resist!)
Hello my brother,
Nice blog. Need's a name though. Don't worry you are not weird, now DAD is weird. He decided he was going to climb "Lysa" at 8:00Am this morning. Out of the blue!
Maybe you could think of a name that comes from your surroundings...I don't know...I bet corrie will have something good!
Tyler-boy...great job on your new blog! You need to teach me how to do that stuff. I'm still contemplating whether or not I want to do one! Becca keeps telling me I should but I can't figure out who would really read mine. Now you, on the other hand, have lots of people who will read...look at all your comments so far! Well, have fun writing - you're such a good one! And...thanks for letting me take a peek at it!
Tyler, Great blog. I loved the photos falling onto the stack. I haven't seen that feature yet.
Of course I think you're intelligent, funny and definitely hot! I've thought that ever since I changed your first diaper!
Will put my mind to thinking of a name for you. What is your pod named? Any inspiration from a music lyric you love? Favorite movie quote?
Will keep checking to see what you decide.
Hahaha! *Shakes head with a chuckle sounding deep in the throat!* Or something like that. =)
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