anyway, school is now finnaly starting to get back to normal! Tests and assignments will come... But like i've said before, school is going good so far, and we have some really great teachers this year!
One thing i'm looking forward to is that at the end of october our school is taking a trip to Vienna!!! I'm really excited about that. We'll be there for two days and visit some museums and then just be able to wander around.....and hopefully end up at Starbucks! =)
On wednesday was our third exit 316 youth group thingy! The theme was friendship, and even though it was a slower episode, it was still great. Four new people came this time! Here's a picture we got of us all!

Another eventful thing that happened this week was that on sunday i led worship all by myself at our church for really the first time! It was great! I learned a lot, and can't wait for next month when i'll get to do it myself again! I played on my guitar and sang, and mom was there on the piano to back to up. It went well!
Last night was about 6 I went down into town and met up with 4 other guys and we played Risk! We hung out at a little appartment which two of the guys are renting because of school - they are in the fourth year at my school and live far away so it's hard to train every morning... Anyway, it was a lot of fun. I brought chips, another guy brought drinks... And we played... I had a really good strategic place, and could have even won!!! But, I showed mercy early on and didn't destroy one of the guys...and in the end he destroyed everyone else!!! Oh well... It was awesome though! Here's a picture I took with my phone of the board...and also of Patrick and one of the guys from the fourth year was pretty funny!!! =)

One thing that you can be praying for though is my brother and sister...both have really bad strep throat, and are throwing up too. So that's a bummer. Luckily I haven't caught anything from them yet.
Well I guess that's all for now! Leave me a comment if you wanna make me feel special! =P Till next time...I am and will always remain to be, Tyler
Hey...your idea worked..I pressed refresh and it came up...sound like you've been having fun! It's pretty cool that you got to lead worship by yourself...good practice for the future...
Hey Tyler...
I was just thinking yesterday about the fact that I hadn't read your blog in over a week, so thanks for sending the email link as a reminder.
Bummer about Caleb and Claire having strep throat...but good that you haven't caught it!
I LOVE that you love leading worship. As a worship leader myself I can totally understand what you are saying about loving it. I tell people that I am the one who gets the gift as I get to watch people entering into the presence of God as they worship. Getting to stand in the front and be a part of helping people experience Jesus in worship is absolutely awe-inspiring, don't you think? I'm excited that God is growing you in this way. :o)
Much love to you, Michelle
That's cool....I really want to see that tv program that you guys are doing....bummer. Well we are gonna go to a wedding later.
Miss you!!!
Finally an update!=) Oh yeah, by the spell finally with 2 l's not 2 n's. Sorry...just some spelling right there. I miss RISK....
That's awesome about church! Keep up the good work! Show them some Jamiroquai or somethin'....
Dear Tyler,
Grandpa and I are really enjoying these peeks into your life, and are so grateful to get to hear how God is using you. We love your shadow picture you chose for your blog. And the group picture of you all after "Exit" was really fun to see too. Looking forward to more about your time with uncles Mike and Steve.
Dear Tyler,
Grandpa and I are really enjoying these peeks into your life, and are so grateful to get to hear how God is using you. We love your shadow picture you chose for your blog. And the group picture of you all after "Exit" was really fun to see too. Looking forward to more about your time with uncles Mike and Steve.
Well gosh TP, I do think you're special, so I better post a comment! You did so great leading worship in church....I'm so glad I get to know you. Don't get famous too fast...I still gotta get my tshirt made, the one that will say "I was his first gig!" ha!
Hi Tyler!
Sorry I haven't posted a comment earlier...kept forgetting to do that! Now it's after midnight and you and I are the only ones up...don't you love this time of night?! Good thing there's no school tomorrow!
Anyway...I like it when you write on your blog, so keep doing it...K?!!!
Love you, Mom!
Nejakou fotku kde vypadam jako vetsi idiot jsi pro pobaveni publika vybrat nemohl?=)
Matej, the self proclaimed Genius.
Nejakou fotku kde vypadam jako vetsi idiot jsi pro pobaveni publika vybrat nemohl?=)
Matej, the self proclaimed Genius.
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