Drum roll please.................................................................... Prepare for the unveiling of Tyler Patty's most stunning work yet!

This small diorama depicts two friends, an elf and a dwarf, fighting at the battle of Helm's Deep. I'm talking of course about Legolas (up on the wall) and Gimli (smoking a pipe on a dead Uruk-Hai).

I hope the ebullient Nathan Pitcher is proud of my second take on Legolas, as he was so fond of the original (which I was not so fond of, hence the new paint job). I'd like to thank the sagacious Becca McMartin for the wonderful Gimli, which I am glad I am done painting (it was quite frustrating actually!).

Even though these two figures were painted only days apart from each other, I am especially proud of Legolas. Both were very time-consuming to paint, because I tried to pay a lot of attention to detail. There are some things I would have done differently now looking back...but we learn from our mistakes so I guess I'll just have to live with it!

Overall though I think I did pretty well. The good part is that I still have lots more places to go, I can still keep on experimenting and learning! You can be expecting more diorama thingamajigs in the future, I already have a couple more ideas.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering how I did the brickwork, while we were in the states I got some brick molds. I then pour plaster in them, let it dry and pop them out! Then I can glue them together and paint over it all. It's awesome, and you'll see some more of them in the future as well!

Gotta go eat dinner! Thanks in advance for all your comments! =)