School's been pretty crazy lately...we're having to wrap up our grades for this semester so that means lots of tests! Aaaah...without my new phone I'd go crazy =)
I've been in a pretty creative mood again. I'm taking a break from painting LOTR figures for a little while, painting Legolas took a lot of energy and time! So I've been trying watercolors, which are really tricky. I've also started writing a story. I just kinda started and decided to just go where my mind led me. At school I have a creative writing class so I'll try to keep writing a chapter a week for that. Two are down already! Unfortunately it's very rough and not fit for public viewing yet ;)

Hey, I just listened to the clips of JF's new ep on iTunes today. I love the Fall one too. When I get my computer back...sigh....I'll have to download the winter one. Which songs are your faves?
I like it when you post on your blog! You're fun to read!
Love, Mor (that's "mother" in Danish!)
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